Thursday, May 8, 2014

The boxing

The boxing was born as a sport in the century XVIII on United Kingdom and is still practiced until today.

The boxing is a sport where you most have strength, agility, intelligence and eager to learn, is a ways of fight with rules, the fight is one versus one, the boxer use boxing gloves and special boots, the round hard three minutes and a fight can have many rounds,  finally you can win by knockout or points.

This sport there is many famous boxers as Muhammad Ali, Julio Cesar Chavez,Mike Tyson for example, but I like Nicolino Locche the best fighter in my opinion to evade punches.

I like practice the boxing without gloves it is a way of boxing where are possible grab the opponent and other things that in the normal boxing is not accept, I practice box because help me to remove stress and improve my physical condition, I am part of a group dedicate to practice in the Universidad the name of group is “Mendoza's fighting club” and every Friday we gather to practice.

I recommend practice box and join our group of fight


  1. you practice boxing? wow!! you look very hippie jajaja
    It's an interesting topic, the only boxer I know is Martin Vargas anyway :(

  2. I tought boxing was a younger sport. I can´t believe that it was born as a sport in the XVIII century.

  3. I can't believe you practice boxing... Is a very aggressive sport, I thing I will never practice something like that.
