Thursday, September 25, 2014

My favorite piece of art

Today i will talk about my favorite piece of art, to me is “El Cristo de San Juan de la Cruz” made by Salvador Dali in 1951

I like this piece of art because Dali show to Christ without  signs of his crucifixion as nails, blood, wounds and crown of thorns to me is see a Christ without pain and suffering like most of the paintings and pictures that represent the Catholic religion. Also is looking at the Earth from a peculiar way from the skies, this dark sky like the night that disappears as sunset on the water. Another important thing is that Christ is much bigger than humans shown below, representing some of his great majesty. For me is nice to see him this way because it produces admiration and not pain

other important reason is this, my brother Jaime gave to me the painting in my birthday number twenty and I put the paint in my room hanging in a frame near to the window, all persons that enter in my room can see it and I always trying to give a small description of the painting and also it’s the only picture that I have.

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