Friday, August 29, 2014

Pear Jam rules

Today  I will write about my favorite music, well I like many music styles  for example rock, metal, folk and punk. To be honest my Mp3 is full of different types of music, for example Metallica is a strong band and fast guitar in comparison with Of Monster and Man but I like both, I just understand a little about the lyrics but I like to listen to the melody and the sound of the guitar and  drums

My favorite band is Pearl Jam, I began listening to this band when I was a child, my brother Jaime bought a disc and he played it all the time and I was in the same bedroom then I listened to this band all my infancy. Today I like one song in particular, "do the evolution" I listen to this song when I travel to my home, to do my homework, the video clip is very good it is made in cartoon and shows the evolution of the human race in a particular way. I never went  to a concert of Pearl Jam for monetary reasons but today I began to save for a ticket.

Friday, August 22, 2014

I like Spain

Today I will write about a country I would like to visit. This is Spain because  it is very easy to speak Spanish for me and like many Latinos I have the blood of Spain and  native America . For me it is a good opportunity to know the basis of the Chilean culture. Also I would like to taste the traditional food for example the "paella" and the wine with a  Mediterranean taste. I don´t have Family in Spain but with the travel I can find some traces of my ancestors because maybe I have some relatives in this county.  Another point is the football, in Spain it is a very competitive sport , for example teams like "Real Madrid" or "Barcelona" are very popular in Chile, some Chilean players play in this season in Spain. Also I like the architecture, the churches are built in a beautiful way, I prefer the Gothic style and the religion is another topic important in Spain. I would like to go and pray in some of Spain´s Churches.
In this moment the only way to travel for me is an exchange program.